Age is no barrier for those companies that recognise the opportunity presented by the convergence in the workplace of baby boomers, millennials and gens X and Z. “A multigenerational staff base has different perspectives, experiences and is full of a richness you can build upon,” says Steven Cooper, CEO at Barclaycard Business Solutions. [read more]
A first-time chief executive can be tempted to think the board is a distraction from the real work of driving performance. It’s a trap they should avoid at all costs, as the reality is that a CEO’s position will be far stronger if they have forged a robust relationship with their chairman and non-executive directors. [read more]
Are you dreading April’s gender pay gap reporting deadline? If so, you’re not the only one. Nobody wants to follow in the footsteps of those who’ve disclosed their numbers and come under fire for it. So, here’s what you need to know about those figures and how to avoid a public backlash. [read more]
A wise chief executive knows they only stand to gain from the support and counsel of a strong chief financial officer. The two of them must be able to work in tandem, complementing each other’s skills, so that they can improve organisational performance in a way that is sustainable and has integrity. [read more]
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