Chief Financial Officers

Criticaleye is the Peer-to-Peer Board Community for Chief Financial Officers

Criticaleye transforms global leaders, including Group and Aspiring CFOs, through a combination of targeted mentorship, strategic guidance and immersive learning experiences. We empower leaders with the skills and insights necessary to become world-class finance professionals.

We understand your challenges and can help you overcome and accelerate your leadership capabilities to succeed. Key areas of support include but are not limited to the following:

Inspiring, innovative and completely bespoke, our approach empowers today’s CFOs, leadership teams and senior executives to address leadership challenges, drive strategy and effectively manage stakeholders. See our Executive Membership Brochure to find out more.




CFO Virtual Roundtable: Unlocking High Performance in the Finance Team

This session explores how the skills needed in a finance team are changing, as well as the ways in which the function itself needs to adapt to deliver the strategic insight and analysis that organisations need if they’re to retain their competitive edge.



Leadership challenges in 2023

Taken at our CEO Retreat - People, Purpose, Planet, in this video we asked leaders for their predictions on the landscape next year. Featuring comment from Stephen Harrison, CEO, Forterra plc, Clive Bolton, Managing Director, Protection, Savings & Retirement, LV=, Loveday Ryder, CEO, DVSA and Lorcan O'Connor, Group CEO, Córas Iompair Éireann (CIE).

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Pursuing Value Creation as CF...

Brad Greve is a strong believer in the role of the CFO as an enterprise leader and a driver of value creation in a business. In this exclusive interview with Criticaleye, the CFO of FTSE 100 giant BAE Systems talks thro...

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Leading Change as a CFO

As the UK water industry faces rising regulatory pressures, environmental challenges and increasing public scrutiny over sustainability and infrastructure, Severn Trent is at the forefront of driving positive change. Gr...

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Strategic Pop-up Boards for C...

Criticaleye Pop-up Boards are designed to support Chief Finance Officers (CFOs) and senior finance leaders to make better informed decisions with greater confidence. We know that CFOs are operating within an increasingl...

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