
Featured Items

Driving Fast Growth via Private Equity
Private equity ownership remains a highly attractive way for management teams to grow their businesses. Criticaleye’s Jacob Ambrose Willson asks Members with decades of experience working in PE about what to expect and how to ensure ambitions are turned into reality.

Featuring commentary from:

Martin Balaam, founder and CEO, Pimberly
Sangeeta Desai, Non-executive Director, Boat Rocker Media
Ben Hewetson, former Chair, Wishford Education

Criticaleye supports senior leaders from a variety of businesses, sectors and geographies. With 83 percent of growth company executives in our research saying they are too inwardly focused, our global leadership Community provides a confidential and trusted space, offering diverse views which leaders can draw from when making decisions for themselves and their organisations.

Click here to find out how we support growth company executives and non-executives.
AI and the New Frontier of Tech
Artificial intelligence (AI) and especially Generative AI (GenAI) have reached fever pitch – and not just among the tech companies of Silicon Valley. Criticaleye’s Bridgette Hall talks to business leaders in the Community about how this technology has the potential to transform businesses.

Featuring commentary from:

David Hardoon, Group Chief Data and AI Officer, Union Bank of the Philippines and Chief Executive Officer
Aboitiz Data Innovation
David Macfarlane, Managing Director, Gamma Communications
Fernando Lucini, Chief Data Scientist, Accenture

Counting on a Cleantech Future
The IEA estimates that at least $100 trillion must be invested in clean energy technologies over the next three decades to meet global climate objectives. Senior Editor Jacob Ambrose Willson talks to Criticaleye Members to examine the drivers of the cleantech revolution

Featuring Commentary From:

Priya Chowdhary, CFO, Encyclis
Ann Davies, COO, Lightsource bp
Claire Dorrian, Head of Sustainable Finance, Capital Markets and Post Trade, London Stock Exchange Group
Dominic Emery, former Chief of Staff to the CEO, bp
Lorcan O’Connor, Group CEO, Córas Iompair Éireann

Pivot to Value with Living Systems
A gap between investment and value: Technology is everywhere but value is not. That’s what companies across industries have discovered as they’ve invested in new technologies. They just aren’t getting the return on investment they expected.

In this report, Accenture investigates why and presents a pathway to putting technology innovation at the heart of every company. 

1) Reimagine a growth strategy powered by technology: The focus here is on exploring how technology can make the business strategy a reality and identifying greenfield opportunities in products, services and competitive positions.

2) Realign the organisation to put technology at the heart of every business: Restructure your IT department from horizontal to vertical to be 'product aligned' where you can focus on business value, measured by business KPIs. 

3) Adopt new practices for agility and experimentation: Companies should take steps to make sure the cycle of innovation is continuous through modern engineering capabilities.

4) Create a flexible technology core for sustainable change: This provides a secure cloud architecture that is resilient and adaptive to accelerate innovation, data-driven analytics, sustainability and business value.

5) Empower people to innovate with technology: With Living Systems, leaders believe in a “human + machine” approach, where humans and technology bring out the best in each other and improve workforce efficiency.

Read Zahra Bahrololoumi's Accenture Technology UKI perspective for the CBI on how 'COVID-19 is accelerating technology's necessary shift from value to values.' Zahra leads on our Annual Tech Vision Masterclass for Members - see the 2020 Tech Vision trends here
What is the Future for Cyber Security?
COVID-19 has brought huge disruption and change, with the effects of the pandemic expected to be felt both in the short and long term. While some organisations transitioned to remote working seamlessly, many have struggled to adapt.

What the crisis has done has given businesses the opportunity to rethink ways of working – and a major part of that involves technology and cyber security. David Hobbs finds out what options lie ahead.

Including commentary from:

Mark Roberts Partner, Defence & Cyber, Capita Consulting: Do the business as usual but recognise that the situation is different so increase your monitoring. Be extra vigilant and recognise that things have changed and that you need to look out for different things.

Joe Baguley, VP & CTO, VMWare: Most organisations have just gone through an incredibly large proof of concept, and CEOs and senior execs have realised just how important technology is to them. It’s the enabler of how they’ve managed to continue functioning as a business.

Steve Johnson, Security Lead, Surevine: Regulatory requirements still have to catch up, and I think regulators are going to have a hard time coming to terms with the fact that the ‘real world’ is not the ‘ideal world’ anymore.